Shape Dimension code Material Dimension difference

Shape Dimension code Material Dimension difference
Hollow cores, so named are because the core is shaped with a hollow square through the center. Hollow cores are made up iron alloys which are ground and thoroughly mixed with a binding material, then pressed in a press to form a core. The binding material is an insulator; hence it reduces the eddy currents. This extends the useful frequency range of the composite cores. Hollow cores can be used up to about five kilohertz depending on the A.C. kilogauss level, above 10 kilohertz at low A.C. gauss levels. The binding material also provides a distributed air gap in the structure of Hollow cores.
Hollow core is frequently used as ripple filter inductors in D.C. power supplies. The D.C. flux can be high as long as the A.C. flux is sufficiently small. The distributed air gap properties inherent in iron powder cores also make Hollow cores extremely well-suited for a variety of energy storage inductor, power Conversion products; RF products application.
TYPE | OD | ID | L |
YH7.95-40 core | .312/7.95 | .137/3.48 | .750/19.1 |
YH12.7-40 core | .500/12.7 | .172/4.37 | .688/17.5 |
YH12.7-40A core | .500/12.7 | .172/4.37 | 1.064/27.0 |
YH12.7-40B core | .500/12.7 | .172/4.37 | 1.375/34.9 |
YH15.9-40 core | .625/15.9 | .219/5.56 | .900/22.9 |
YH15.9-40A core | .625/15.9 | .219/5.56 | .955/24.3 |
YH15.9-40B core | .625/15.9 | .219/5.56 | 1.250/31.8 |
YH15.9-40C core | .625/15.9 | .219/5.56 | 1.330/33.8 |
YH19.1-40 core | .750/19.1 | .260/6.60 | 1.080/27.4 |
YH19.1-40A core | .750/19.1 | .260/6.60 | 1.500/38.1 |
YH19.1-40B core | .750/19.1 | .260/6.60 | 1.580/40.1 |
YH25.4-40 core | 1.000/25.4 | .250/6.35 | 1.000/25.4 |
YH22-1002 core | .144/3.66 | .064/1.63 | .125/3.17 |
YH22-1006 core | .144/3.66 | .064/1.63 | .125/3.17 |
YH46-1002 core | .263/6.68 | .075/1.90 | .394/10.0 |
YH46-1006 core | .263/6.68 | .075/1.90 | .394/10.0 |
YH520-1002 core | .312/7.92 | .137/3.48 | 1.250/31.8 |
YH68-1002 core | .375/9.53 | .125/3.17 | .500/12.7 |
YH68-1003 core | .375/9.53 | .125/3.17 | .500/12.7 |
YH68-1006 core | .375/9.53 | .125/3.17 | .500/12.7 |
YH68-1010 core | .375/9.53 | .125/3.17 | .500/12.7 |
YH68-1242 core | .375/9.53 | .205/5.21 | .500/12.7 |
YH610-1003 core | .375/9.53 | .125/3.17 | .625/15.9 |
YH610-1102 core | .364/9.25 | .125/3.17 | .625/15.9 |
YH610-1103 core | .364/9.25 | .125/3.17 | .625/15.9 |
YH610-1107 core | .364/9.25 | .125/3.17 | .625/15.9 |
YH616-1002 core | .375/9.53 | .125/3.17 | 1.000/25.4 |
YH616-1202 core | .368/9.35 | .201/5.11 | 1.000/25.4 |
YH616-1301 core | .375/9.53 | .137/3.48 | 1.000/25.4 |
YH616-1302 core | .375/9.53 | .137/3.48 | 1.000/25.4 |
YH618-1042 core | .375/9.53 | .125/3.17 | 1.125/28.6 |
YH620-1002 core | .375/9.53 | .137/3.48 | 1.250/31.8 |
YH810-1007 core | .500/12.7 | .200/5.08 | .625/15.9 |
YH818-1003 core | .500/12.7 | .200/5.08 | 1.125/28.6 |
YH918-1002 core | .570/14.5 | .250/6.35 | 1.1 25/28.6 |
YH918-1006 core | .570/14.5 | .250/6.35 | 1.125/28.6 |
YH918-1008 core | .570/14.5 | .250/6.35 | 1.125/28.6 |
YH918-1010 core | .570/14.5 | .245/6.22 | 1.125/28.6 |
YH1020-1002 core | .625/15.9 | .219/5.56 | 1.250/31.8 |
YH1224-1002 core | .750/19.1 | .260/6.60 | 1.500/38.1 |
YH1614-1002 core | 1.000/25.4 | .250/6.35 | .875/22.2 |
YH1616-1102 core | .950/24.1 | .189/4.80 | 1.000/25.4 |
TYPE | OD | ID | L |
YH7.95-YH25.4 | +0.00 -0.10 |
+0.10 -0.00 |
±0.25 |